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Dad Passed Away 3/22/2018


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I don't know how to cope with losing him. I was finishing up my first year of college and suddenly this happened. I feel sad, angry, guilty, and numb all at the same time. It's just so hard and I don't know what to do. I feel like I'm internalizing everything I feel. I had been turning to alcohol but I stopped that before it became a problem. I don't know what healthy coping will help me. I just don't want to feel like this anymore. 

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Dear Kathyrn,

My deepest sympathies and condolences. I'm so sorry for the loss of your beloved dad. I know its extremely hard to cope. There is so much pain and sorrow and its hard to know what to do sometimes. 

Please know that everything you are feeling, thinking and asking is natural and normal part of grief. It sure doesn't make it easy though. For myself, I had to take everything moment by moment, day by day for almost a year. 

I hope you can lean on trusted friends or family. During this sad time don't be afraid to reach out for additional supports, maybe consider grief counselling, or joining a support group in the community or through church. Facebook also has a lot of groups for loss of parents.

I didn't know what to do either after my father passed. I was so raw. But talking with others on this forum and others made me feel less alone. And like you I found hearing others stories helped me feel less alone. I also found these websites helpful. What's Your Grief, Grief Healing Blog, Grief in Common, Grief Recovery Method, Legacy.com, Tiny Buddha, GriefShare.Org.

Thinking of you. Sending my thoughts and prayers.


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