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New here. Grieving my mom


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Hi everyone. It's nice to meet everyone even though it could be under different circumstances. I lost my mom in March at 63. She had medical issues but i am still waiting for her cause of death. It was still unexpected  She lived with me, i helped her in many ways but she was also self sufficient. I am dealing with the what if's and the guilt. I just keep going over everything i could have done different. I am trying my best but as you all know it's tough.

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Dear Kate,

I'm so sorry for your loss.

That is one of the main things I struggle with as well. There are so many things I wished I had done differently too. I know its part of grief but its hard to think...if only.

Please know you are not alone. We are all here to listen and support each other.

Take care. Sending you hugs.


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