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i need my father back

Supraja Iyer

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Supraja Iyer

I saw my father 2 years ago for the first time when I was 18. Now am 20. am with my step father now. We are not in a good relationship and with mom too. I didn't have any contact with him and also pictures of him. I need my father back. Please, Help me!!!

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Dear Supraja,

Sorry to hear about your strained relationship with your mother and step father. I know that is very hard.

I can understand the need to find your biological father. Are there any other family members or close family friends that could assist you? Could you post something on Facebook and try to reach out to him this way? I know some people use Ancentry.com or 23andme to find close relatives with DNA. This might also lead you back to your father.

I'm sorry for your pain. I hope you can find him again.

Thinking of you.



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