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Any good websites re grief and loss

Stephanie Buttons

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Stephanie Buttons

Any ideas on good websites re survivors of suicide. I think I have been on most of them. I have even gotten through the tube videos on suicide survivor loss. Some of it was helpful,and a lot of the information was the same. Anything brand new that might have come out in the last 6 months or so. Getting bored with going to the same websites for information. 

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Mermaid Tears

Stephanie....please go to the site called..'Loss of Adult Child'.....there are many active parents on that site....in fact....some have dealt with suicide. I am so sorry that you are having to grieve that loss. I think that in the past years....suicide was such a taboo subject to talk/read about. I don't know what all is out there...but...am sure you may find a group to talk to.

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stephanie I echo to come and join us on loss of adult child. I have been a member there for a year and found great support and care and advice. Suicide is a very tough subject some people are too embarassed to talk about it happening and some blame themselves. You need to understand it comes from a very cluttered and chaotic mind that desperately wants peace and relief from the pain they are going through. No one can stop it from happening, no one, it is usually a desperate act when things get too much and resolution seems impossible and insurmountable. We have all lost children in different ways, but we understand the pain you are feeling and know how difficult it is to be strong enough to keep on going. Take care

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