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It was 8 months, 3 days ago


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December 03, 2016, my little angel passed away. She was in my care, and I found her non responsive. I tried to resuscitate her til the paramedics and police came, and for a short while, it seemed things would look up...they ended up saying she passed from SIDS. She was 4 months old...she had been born on August 1st. I've found myself just spiraling down deeper into depression (and i have been trying to fight it hard, with every ounce I can), but it's still got a grasp of me. The people that try to talk to me, bless them, but they don't understand, in a nutshell they all pretty much say "it'll take time, but you'll be alright", (in their own ways), or, can't understand why I'm still upset, "it's almost been a year"....anyone who's gone through this, or is currently going through, I would love to talk to you. I don't have any answers, maybe you do? But if you don't have them either, maybe, we could work together in trying to find it?

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Tommy's mum

jojovols i am so sorry you lost your precious baby girl so suddenly. SIDS is an awful thing so sudden and inexplicable often with no illness beforehand. i used to work in NICU and we had several babies that would have been cot deaths and were only saved because they were inpatients and being monitored already. They were healthy and only there to grow. We also had an actual cot death in the time I was there in the nursery a couple of days before discharge so therefore no electrical monitoring such as apnoea alarms. It was very shocking for all of us as well as the family and shows how random SIDS is. Most of us post on the loss of an adult child thread because it is the most active and replies are much quicker. Anyone can post there regardless of the age of the child we are all bereaved parents who are going through the loss the same as you and it is comforting to be around people who really get it because they have been there. There is no timeline for grieving the loss of a child it is within your heart for life and we understand that only too well. people who have never been faced with that stark painful reality would never judge you and tell you it has been long enough because it is never long enough, never. it is important to speak to a counsellor or trained professional to help you with your depression because fighting it alone rarely works. many of us have taken antidepressant medication to help and your doctor does need to know you are struggling. there is sadly no reason why we have had the pain of a child being taken, for some of us it was an accident others by self harm or drugs some by murder or illness. It makes no odds how it happens it is just as painful and difficult to come to terms with. You have taken a step in the right direction by coming on this forum, please join us and we can help to support you, hear about your daughter and family and hold your hand in friendship ok?

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I am so sorry to hear about that your child has passed away. I even can't console you. But one thing I can say calm down yourself. And also keep remember one day we have to go for sure. So, need to be strong and confess all of the truth.

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hiboson33 I am alittle confused what do you mean by confess all the truth? Is that a religious reference?

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