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Coping in the immediate aftermath

Claire Griffler

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Claire Griffler

I lost my beautiful 19 year old daughter to a car crash on June 25th- I am asking other mothers -how did you survive this- each day gets more difficult?

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My girl is in heaven

Claire.  I am truly sorry for the loss of your precious daughter. This is so new and raw for you. There are so many emotions to deal with. You have found a good place to come to.  There are so many kind and caring bereaved parents who are ready to welcome you and wrap our arms around.  Please come and tell us about your daughter, share pictures if you want.  We will walk beside you and hold your hands as you go thru this journey that none of us want to be on. Please post in loss of an adult child. It is for loss of child at any age. That is where everyone posts. I lost my 17 year old daughter 6 years ago from a cardiac arrthymia. I and we truly know the pain and sorrow you are feeling.  If you want to email me it is ltaylor50@rogers.com. or if you want me to call and talk to you i can do that too.  Please join us on loss of an adult childcand let us help you. Take care dear.  

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Tommy's mum

claire I am so sorry you lost your daughter. On loss of an adult child thread we are bereaved parents who have all suferred the loss of one or more children so understand exactly where you are. Please join us and we can help to support you when sometimes those closest to you cannot. Take care

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