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i don't know how to talk about it


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my friend and mentor died almost a week ago from cancer and i've been acting like things are OK because the people around me never really knew her. everyday i think about her and everyday i have to push back tears when i'm in public. i don't know how to tell people how sad i am and how mad and lost i am. i'm sixteen and i've never lost a friend before. i want to be able to just lose it but i feel like no one will understand or want to deal with me. i don't know what to do.

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I'm so sorry about the loss of your friend and mentor. Go ahead and cry and be sad. When people ask what's wrong, tell them exactly what you just told us. Have you told your parents how you feel? Have you talked to anyone? Losing a mentor is very difficult. I can see why you are hurting. Please reach out to your loved ones and tell them what's going on. You may be pleasantly surprised at the support you receive. 

We will be here with you,


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Dear Heyitsme,

I'm very sorry to hear about the loss of your dear friend and mentor. I know the pain and sorrow is deep. Please know its okay to express your feelings. If you feel like your family and friends won't understand, then please consider talking to a professional grief counsellor or joining a support group. There are many resources in the community and through church.

I also find these websites helpful: What's Your Grief and the Grief Healing Blog.

Please know you are not alone. Thinking of you. Sending all my thoughts and prayers.

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