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Sister has terminal cancer


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My sister is in the last stage of her life.  She has been battling stage 4 breast cancer for almost a year, two weeks they did scans and the tumors are back in her brain.  The Dr. said there is nothing more they can do and referred her to hospice. She is only 34 years old and has two very young children (6&3).  As you can imagine this news has devastated our family, my dad, brother and myself.  We just lost our mother to cancer 4.5 years ago, so it has opened up old wounds and we all have had some very difficult days lately.

My main concern at this time is her family, her husband and two kids.  I am looking for advise to help the kids cope, any help would be great.  My sister is making the kids scrapbooks of her so the kids have something to remember her by.  What makes this situation a little harder is she and her family live about 4 hours away form the rest of the family.  So once my sister passes my brother in law will not have much help.  

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Dear swink17,

I'm very sorry, I know this is an extremely difficult time. You are a loving sister and aunt. If possible maybe family and friends could try and stay with your brother in law and try support him in the daily care of the kids. Maybe friends and family have already started to do this but even having ready made meals in the fridge can be helpful. The whole family might want to consider talking to a counselor or participate in art therapy. I hope hospice can help the family access the resources they need.

I also find these websites helpful. What's Your Grief and the Grief Healing Blog for additional resources.

Sending all my thoughts and prayers.

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