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I lost my hero


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My dad earned his wings on October 31st, exactly 7 days ago. The story of how I found out is still too hard to talk about and the past week has been a whirlwind. I'm still in complete shock that he's gone and at this point I'm not even sure what to do. I just need to talk to someone and hear someone else's story on how they were able to move forward while coping with the loss of their parent. It seems impossible. 

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Tdanielle , sorry for your loss, I truly am . There is no easy way through grief just one day at a time . It's been 14 months since I watched my mother die from cancer . Life will never be the same without her . I long to be with her as life is so lonely now . Do you have family or friends nearby to talk to. Go easy on yourself and don't let anyone try tell  you to move on. It takes time to process and grieve.

Hugs Lisa.

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Let me start by saying that I am so sorry for your loss i do not have any advice as I am only a week ahead of you.

My mum earned her wings on Sunday 23rd of October 17 days ago. She passed away suddenly from a stroke. My poor Dad found her but it was too late. They were married for 40 years. Not only am I trying to work through this myself but I have to support my Dad and siblings and I had to tell my 4 year old that his Nanny is 'gone forever'. He is finding this very hard to except. He tells me to push him higher on the swing so that he can jump up and get to Nanny. If only that were. 

I feel Ike I am walking around with this hole in my heart that none else can see. 

Hugs to you. 


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