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TRUE Healing


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In this world that is filled with so much strife, and anxiety, circumstances of life can change suddenly. Today we can have good health, and tomorrow sickness, and death, a lost of a job, or a divorce. And most likely if you are on this site, you have been touched by one, or more of these troubles. What can help us have stability in a world that is so unstable? Some say God, others say fate, and futility rule the day.. and that's just the way it is...but is it? There are answers, but you must have the desire to know. Please example these points, May you find real peace and happiness

1) A relationship with God

Why needed? Doesn't it make sense to have a relationship with the originator of life..wouldn't he know fully what would benefit us since he knows our emotional, mental, and physical makeup?

2) Spirituality

Why needed? Jesus gave the best reason why we should pursue this..at Matt 5:3 he said "happy are those conscious of their spiritual needs, since the kingdom of the heavens belong to such like ones."

3) A future hope

Why needed? That is what separates us from the animal kingdom..without hope we would find ourselves in a maze of despair. The key is finding the true source of hope. Many turn to money, sex, and a independent, pleasure seeking attitude, only to find that those things bring a temporary satisfaction. So where can we find true hope? Thru political, and social change ? They have proven to be disappointments!

The answer is found at Rev 21: 3,4 "And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will morrning nor outcry nor pain be anymore.The former things have passed away."

This scripture speaks about a government..but who's government is it, and how does it bring these things..and is this really possible?

Please examine the following link, May it bring you joy, and peace.


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