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The Nature and Purpose of Angels


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The Nature and Purpose of Angels


Angel Message:


“We are given unto you as gifts of God, gifts of Creator; we are the expression of Creator in a form that you may more easily access and experience.We are given unto you to help carry you onto God, to help carry you into the love of God, to help carry you into the expression of the love within you.


Above all, we are given unto you for the expression of your soul.The true, deep, and complete expression of your soul.We have been with you from before your birth, from before your conception, when you were a soul in the splendor of heaven.We were with you at the time that you chose what gifts you would carry, … what gifts you would share with others upon the earth.


Your soul in pure form is pure light, pure love, pure joy.The gifts that you have chosen to embody, and carry, and to bring into full fruition upon the earth, are those very gifts that bring you joy, that bring you wonder, that bring you excitement, that bring you into a natural place of buoyancy, of excitement, of the joy of sharing …”






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