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Dealing with a childhood friend's death.


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When I was 16 I was totally in love with a girl named Melanie. Although we were just kids, on the day I met her I remember telling myself I wanted to marry her one day.

She had a guy, so I was always in the friend zone much to my heartache. After school ended, for whatever reason Mel and I lost touch. I always wondered what her life was like. Now that I'm nearly 40, I imagined her being married and having a few kids. I got married a few years back to and I just imagined us in similar place in life. Could never find her online though. I figured she was definitely married then.

A few months ago, I learned that Mel had died. She died of cancer. I was so devastated to find out. The part that kills me the most is that she died when she was 19. All this time, she's been gone and I didn't know. Al the things she missed out on :(

She wasn't mine to lose as we were just friends, but I imagine this is what losing a partner feels like. I found a photo of her last week and I've been crying ever since. I feel silly about that, but I don't know how to move forward.

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It is always shocking and disturbing to find out our childhood friends have died. In your case, you built a special place in your heart and perhaps had a piece of your dreams and expectations tied to that.

It isn't easy to just stop dreaming, thinking and caring about someone. Give yourself some time, grieve for her and then you will be able to begin to move forward. She didn't get to experience many things you would have liked her too, and that is hard to deal with. It will take some time.

We will be here for you,


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