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Panic attacks and grief

Catherine Slay

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Catherine Slay

My Mom Eve, my best friend, died on October 5, 2021. I cry some everyday. I was with her a lot her last 4 monthes. I had to help navigate her care and was at her house for the night on her last night. I have had about 5 episodes which may be panic or anxiety related. Only the first one was obviously tied to being upset. The others have just happened, hot, sweaty, sick to stomach, very ,very dizzy followed by a lot of vomiting.I have had covid tests, flu tests, went to my Dr. Nothing showed up. I have been at work, feeling fine and then this hits. I did some reading, trying to psyche myself ..but I just don't know if these out of the blue attacks are grief or something else.I work in healthcare and have been in full PPE for a lot of the last 2 years. I am looking for some feedback from others who have grieved deeply. Thank you, Kate


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Dear Kate,

I am deeply sorry for your loss.

Grief makes us raw. I have read about others having similar experiences. I know the first two years after my dad passed away I was very tearful and emotional and had a hard time remembering anything. I hope this article is helpful


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