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Lost my cat of 18 years


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I had to put my cat down this past weekend.  She was 18.  Met me at the door everyday when I got home from work.  I'm divorced so she was all I had in my home.  There may have been a slight chance to save her, and I chose what I thought was best, but now I wonder if I could have done more to keep her with me.  I am still numb to her being gone and I don't think I've felt the full impact of grief at all yet.  I hope she forgives me for not trying everything I could to save her.  I miss her terribly and wish I could go back and maybe try something.  Please pray for me.

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2 hours ago, royho said:

now I wonder if I could have done more to keep her with me.

This is common in grief..we go through all of the whatifs etc as a way to come up with a different possible outcome, only there is none, just the one that happened.  We beat ourselves up when we need to be our own best friends, showing ourselves understanding and patience.  You are not alone in feeling this way, I think nearly all of us have.

I hope these articles will be of help to you and that the video brings you some comfort and peace:



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It does take time...this is a process.  Not an easy one.  (((hugs)))

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I am so sorry for your loss. 18 is a good age for a cat, had you forced her to undergo more treatments etc. it could have prolonged unneeded suffering so of course you did the right thing. Still does not make the loss easy in any way. Hope you are doing okay. 

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