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now Mr sparks


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well we had to have the vet put down Mr sparks on Tuesday and since November 2018 thats four of my pack of five that have gotten too old and had to be put down. its terrible to watch your little constant companion who has looked to you to keep them fed and safe for so long grow old and die. it was terrible for Mr sparks he got so sick at the end and started having problems right after reno went. its been jack then honey then reno and now sparks damn im tired of crying. sparks got so sick almost overnight he started showing signs of dementia and within a month it was so bad he cried all night didnt recognize his name and would stare at the walls constantly Monday night he was having a particularly bad night and we were comforting him and he got out of the bed and suddenly there was a horrible smell a looked and he had passed a large amount of blood filled stool which continued into the next morning thats when the vet said it was time. I cried so its hard to lose a companion of 15 yrs and more so hard. sparks I love you and will miss you terribly

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Oh Steve, I am so sorry!  I had a pack of three, all gone, Miss Mocha 6/3/16, Arlie 8/16/19, Kitty 1/6/20, it doesn't get any easier.  I wish I could say something to bring you comfort.  I know it takes time to adjust and yet we continue to love and miss them.  (((hugs)))

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yes my dachsund Buddy is all thats left and hes about 13  so he probably has 5 yrs at most but im 65 and in bad health so hopefully I wont have to watch it

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I love my Basset Hound

Sorry for your lost. It’s a blessing to have him all those years. Worst is seeing them in pain. No pet deserves at all. May he Rest In Peace and Pray your family will get through this. 

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My son brought me a puppy at Christmas, life expectancy is 16 years, I pray I live that long so he doesn't have to be uprooted and wonder where his mommy is.  I'm turning 68 this year so it's a stretch but my son promised to take him in if anything should happen to me.  

I agree with I love my Basset Hound, no pet deserves the pain, they are our faithful companions.

Steve I hope you get better health and live much longer...I've been able to turn my health around this year but am suffering badly from carpal tunnel and arthritis, every day I pray for strength to get through the day.  Sending you wishes for blessing and peace and comfort...

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