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Father loss of only son


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I lost my son one day short from 6 months his name was Jaime Stonewall (not gonna include the last name for privacy safety) we called him "Stoney" he was pretty normal but he got a bit of a normal cold and me and my wife took him to the doctor immediately and they prescribed him Tylenol and said he would be fine and the next day at around 1700 my wife discovered him passed away she went to check on him because he slept for about 1.5 hours and his naps were usually around 45 minutes he had been gone for around 39 minutes when we found him. It was hard for me to accept him passing I still really haven't I was and am still very numb and I have small occurrences where I just cry and can't stop crying I just want my boy back I want my son Tobi to have his big brother that he never met. It has been over a year now since his death and he would be 2 years old March 29th he passed away September 28th, 2018 I still can't believe how long its been since I've held him he was always such a happy alert baby I miss him dearly he didn't deserve death it was only unfair to him to rob him of life and cut it so short, cause of death was labeled as SIDS. I and my wife were young I was about to turn 18 and she was 19. I see a lot of fathers don't post too much here but we do exist and if you are a father and have lost an infant please comment and tell your story I would love to read and respond I'm here and I understand all the pain that you go through.

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Thank you for posting your story. As someone who hasn't been given the chance to be a father, I understand that it must have been very difficult for you, in many ways. I lost two children to miscarriage a year ago, and it was/is awful in a way that words don't seem able to describe. So for you to lose your boy even later, so long after he was born, must have been truly terrible and my heart goes out to you.

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