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Anyone else get creepy message

Billie Rae

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I got a private message and a chat thing.  Ick.  I want to say, "Dude, we're grieving, but we're not stupid."

I wonder if the moderators can explain that it's not appropriate and that if he wants to join in, he needs to do it in whichever forums apply.

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Haha, I was stupid!  Replied, thought it was Johnny from the pet forum, didn't notice he was knew.  He said he lost his wife three years ago.

There's instructions just above the message that tells what to do.  I guess ignoring/blocking (see settings) always works too. ;)

Safety Notice: Please reach out to the Grieving.com team through the contact button if you are experiencing a member who is being unkind, rude or selling products or services. Please include their screen name exactly as it is listed on their Private Message and the message itself that is causing you a disturbance. We aim for a safe community environment at all times. 


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Haha, I was stupid!  Replied, thought it was Johnny from the pet forum, didn't notice he was knew.  He said he lost his wife three years ago.
There's instructions just above the message that tells what to do.  I guess ignoring/blocking (see settings) always works too. [emoji6]
Safety Notice: Please reach out to the Grieving.com team through the contact button if you are experiencing a member who is being unkind, rude or selling products or services. Please include their screen name exactly as it is listed on their Private Message and the message itself that is causing you a disturbance. We aim for a safe community environment at all times. 
I got a second message. Now he has added me to some Google chat. He says he has my email and that was how he added me. I did report him. It scares me.


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I went to Google hangouts, had to download, and blocked and reported him. It said he has called me. Are people able to get our personnel information from this app?


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I haven't been able to post the last couple of hours when the update started.  I couldn't message, but I was able to chat with the moderator and she has banned Captainjohnny007 from the website.  No idea how he got into your google account  @beaniele scary!  I'm glad you were able to block and report him. 


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I got an email from Kelly the founder and she has taken him off with the IP address he was using. He could use another one, let's hope not.


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She blocked him from the website, he'd had to use a different IP address to register again...if so, we'll report & block again.

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I also got one..just hello.  Seemed odd..glad he got " found out".  I just saw it, havent been on much lately and forget to check mail.

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I can't see chat now, it used to be at the bottom, popped up, now if I click on chat it says I don't have permission to view it.  ???  Anyone else having problems?  Just started as they're upgrading again...

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