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About my son

Don, John's dad

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Don, John's dad

I lost my son John a year ago Labor Day. He was 37. A  healthy, bright, friendly, caring guy. He was my rock. He was a hard working successful young man. One day he mentioned his leg hurt. Two days later he was gone from a pulmonary embolism. I am still lost. He was everything to me. I'm new to the forum and at a loss for words now but wanted to introduce myself and get started on the site. My heart goes out to all on this site.

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Don I am sorry for your loss, sudden death is very hard to deal with. On Loss of an adult child by Mom of Justin there is a Mom who also lost her son to a pulmonary embolus at about the same age as your son maybe you can talk about it? We here are all bereaved parents who understand how massive this type of loss is it really changes who you are as a person. I lost my 24yr old son 3 years ago. he was killed trying to save his suicidal friend from jumping off a tall building. His friend survived my boy did not make it that is ironic isn't it? The first 5 years of grief are the hardest after that most people can feel some acceptance but we are all individual and heal at our own pace. Keeping it inside delays healing so some are six or seven years on and stuck in a grief cycle. It is never too late to make changes and take action. Have you seen a counsellor or attended a child loss group? They can be very helpful. Feeling lost is normal it is that slow realisation that this is really it that you will not see your boy again in this lifetime and that is a very painful reality. he will be with you again just know that and he is still with you every day.

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