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Hi There

This going to sound weird, but are people able to share the Final words please, that their loved ones have said, even down to seconds before passing away?

The drive from my house was the longest drive ever, and I arrived an hour after his passing, one of my Brother's was there, and the other seconds later and my Sister was there.
My Brother gave me his hand, it was all a blur I don't remember anything.

My Father reverted to his Mother Tongue language, my Brother told me.
He kept repeating the same word over " Again and Again "

I will never find the answer, but I want to know where is Dad now, are their any clues as to if he knew what was happening?

I read somewhere that 1 Guy who died, his eyes opened wide and he said " It's Amazing " and died

Is it morbid that I took a Photo of my Dad lying there?
Mum said, " He looks like he's asleep. "

Funeral was 2 - 3 weeks ago and as beautiful as it was it was the worst day of my life.

You know the worst part?

As the curtain got pulled and we walked away, Mum walked back and said " Goodbye " and touched the coffin.
That moment will be etched in my mind forever.

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Dear Ritchie,

Thinking of you and your family during this sad and difficult time.

I still horribly guilty because I was not there when my father passed. I had no clue. I left his hospital bedside fully expecting him to see him the next day. And the worst part was I was angry with him the last few months. I wish we could have had those final words or something. Or that he could have been surrounded by his family.

It is okay that you took a picture. Many people take pictures of their loved ones in the hospital and afterwards. Please know there is no right way or wrong way to grieve.

I'm sure others will add their experiences.

Take care. Please know we are with you.

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