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How do I stop this hurt

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Moving on Slowly

We have been apart for over 2 years and I am remarried (something I know now was not the best idea - a knee jerk reaction to being hurt), my husband is nice enough.  I just found out that my ex has a girlfriend a few years younger than me with long blonde hair - his dream!  I have a hard time growing my hair long as I had cancer at 37 and it just does not grow well, but it is far from short, also I am a brunette.  Now I have to settle for a 1/3 of what I was awarded (yes still has not paid me out), and I can't even get a loan on my car to take him off because he has not followed the judges orders and my credit score has dropped 300 points in a year and a half.  I make good money but can't get my car refinanced since I am still on his car, house, and a 9000 line of credit of his not to mention the credit cards I have wracked up paying a lawyer $45,000 for a divorce he wanted!!   But when I found out about this new girl I just lost it, I can't quit crying, he was the love of my life even with everything he has done to me.  I feel old, fat,  ugly and just horrible.  I feel badly because I know my husband senses something is off.  But I am just so broken - I can't seem to fix it.  My heart is shattered and nothing will fix this.  How does this hurt go away?  I can barely function but fake it the best I can.  He has drug me along for so long.  I want the pain to stop!


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Dear Moving on Slowly,

I'm very sorry for everything you have been through. I know it hurts a lot.

Please know we are with you. And maybe consider reaching out and talking to a therapist or counselor or joining a support group. There are many resources in the community and through church.

Thinking of you. Sending you love and hugs.

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A mindful girl

I know that going through my divorce was the hardest thing I've ever had to endure. It takes time. I write a blog about my journey since divorcing my husband and I find it incredibly powerful to get my feelings down on paper. I think reading about other people's experiences can also help you to feel less alone.

If you want to have a read then visit my blog on amindfulgirl.wordpress.com

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