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Clever Pennywyze

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Mother's Day



Although I have not lost my mother, it is extremely difficult for me to exist on Mother's Day due to the strain on the relationship I used to have with my mother and the fact that I didn't raise my kids. 

However, Happy Mother's Day to ALL mom's.

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I felt this so much. I didn't raise my children and now I think they don't even care if I exist. But my ex-husband raised them, not my mom. I will say this though, unless it's your mom that's the difficult one, you might want to try to have a relationship with her. I just lost my this past mother's day, and I am relieved to feel more love and appreciation towards her than guilt. I miss her so much already and I dread missing her more ad I'm scared when I will miss her less, but even these feelings of loneliness are better than the slivers of guilt I feel once in a while.

I know how difficult annoying (let's be honest) to have mother's day come and go and not get a call or a card. Wat's even harder is when family members and people who know I have kids say Happy Mother's Day to me, I feel so awkward! lol.

Good for you though, this past Mother's Day was super hard, and I had to avoid social media with all the HMD posts. I still see one or two and it grits my soul.

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