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Question: Did any of you guys have the news of losing your loved one hit you so hard that your physical being was affected? What I mean: I'll explain what happened to me so you can understand completely. Not because you are not intelligent enough to grasp it, but because of me. 

I got the news on 04/09/19, the same day as the accident. It happened around 1:30AM, and around 12 hours later, I was informed. I felt like I couldn't breathe, I felt like I was going to fall apart at the seams, and I felt like my brain ejected itself out of my head, and left itself on the ground on purpose. My emotional heart was simultaneously ripped from my chest, slammed on the ground next to my brain, and when it contacted the earth, my heart was completely obliterated. 

For the next 4 months,I don't have monthly cycle. I can't say a sentence clearly the first time because every time I spoke my words came out in the wrong order. As time went on, the fifth month had my cycle (I found out it was the stress of losing Jeremy). Even more time goes by and with each word I speak, I feel like I'm getting back to my old self as far as conversation is concerned, but there's one problem that has decided to stay. Of course, y'all gotta know, it's the most infuriating thing I've ever dealt with: when I am talking to someone, my brain tells my mouth what to say, but my mouth freezes up. And, the more I talk, the more my speech is stalled. Like I have inherited a stutter. Does anyone know if this trait will ever go away?



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