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About this blog

Talking about my husband, and our relationship. And, I'm gonna share a few things I haven't spoken of...before now. BTW, I'm Clever Pennywyze. In another journal post, I'll talk about my phone. 


Entries in this blog


I have had an excellent day. I forced myself to grab ahold of some patience, and figure out my internet connection. When I received the equipment, I came to realize that the internet cable that is run through a hole in the apartment wall for cable and internet service to be activated, did not have service. However, at that point, I was already upset. That, was Monday. Today, I finally went back into the living room, and contacted Xfinity's customer service. In the process of this chat, I acciden


BrilliantPennywyze42 in BrilliantPennywyze

Still crying

I never realized how much I would miss Wayne, until today. I've had a very emotional day today. I've posted on here more times today than I have since I found this website. I didn't cry one tear for Jeremy on the ninth. Not because I don't love him. Not because of anything someone said. I didn't cry for my husband because I kept myself submersed in my writing.    I love you Wayne. I'll try not to make the next post so much about Jeremy. Today has just been exhausting and emotional and


BrilliantPennywyze42 in BrilliantPennywyze

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