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About this blog

I have to say that I am very impressed with this site, thus far. I never really felt like Online Grief Support was 100% there. Every time I logged in, no matter what time of day or night, there was never anyone online. It just seemed like they had reached capacity, and didn't have time for me. 


I have come to my account here at Grieving.com and there's always something in my inbox. I plan to create a more thorough description of myself, and give y'all the story of Jeremy's accident as it was told to me. And let y'all in on my opinion as to what happened that morning. 



Entries in this blog

It Seems Unreal

It seems unreal, from time to time, the fact that I lost so many loved ones in such rapid succession. Sometimes I want to pinch myself and wake up from the worst nightmare I've ever had. I think, sometimes that if I could just rewind time to February 6, 2019, and I could then pause time everyone I love would still be here. I know that it's not possible for these ideas to ever happen, but a girl can dream.


Pennywyze43 in Dealing with Life

Over the Last 2 Years

Over the last 2 years, I have been aiming to be, striving to achieve, aspiring to become a woman who over the next 20 years, will just barely remember this time and the hurt that I have been since February 2019. I'm not talking about running off. What I am talking about is this: the day my husband died, a gigantic part of me died, too. What I'm doing is absolutely hypothetical and symbolic, but in this way I have to say, 'The person I was then, no longer exists. I buried her the day I told you g


Pennywyze43 in 03/24/21


Today was better than yesterday, and tomorrow will be better than today.  I responded to a post on a women only site that requested we give love advice we should all live by and this is what my answer was:  Always Be Honest and Your Loyalty Will Never Come Into Question  I'm aimlessly ramblin'. I have adult ADHD and get bored pretty quickly so I will just start talking to hear myself talk.         


Pennywyze43 in 03/23/21

Can't find anyone

There are a couple of people who have reached to some of my content, but I can't find anyone to send friend requests to.    @KayC  @Sparky1 Will you please let me know how to find you both, and could 1 (or both) of you please tell me how to find others? I would greatly appreciate it. - Clever Pennywyze


Pennywyze43 in Finding Friends Here

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