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Life After Life Communications, Hope, Summed Up

Jeff In Denver

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Jeff In Denver

I am working on the new focus of my life - my quest to reach my girlfriend.  I love her with all my heart, and I want to see if we can communicate, as odd as that may sound.  I'd like to help others do the same if I can make this happen.  I've been writing a lot of scattered stuff here and I thought I'd consolidate it as much as I can.  I don't have much in the way of formal education, but I do have an open mind in this area due to desperation and hope that I can boil this stuff down into clear and concise terms.  If I can help you a little, it's all worth it.

First, the book "The Light Between Us" can open a new world for you.  It establishes that we might not know what's "out there."  She is a tested medium and describes how communication can work.

Second, that excellent book has steered me to the Forever Family Foundation, https://www.foreverfamilyfoundation.org/.  They are a non-profit, scientific-based, secular organization.  They have certified mediums listed on their site.

Third, in the "Grieving" section of their site is a $10 interactive course called "Love Knows No Death."  It's written and narrated by a doctor who presents convincing scientific evidence supporting the strong belief that our loved ones love us, know about our suffering, and want to communicate with us.  They are NOT "gone."  Communication with them can help with our healing.  Not getting over the loss, but healing...

Fourth, we can talk to them: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nSOiIeelerY

Fifth, Blair has a free book for communicating with them: https://www.amazon.com/Afterlife-Connecting-Communicating-Deceased-Psychic-ebook/dp/B00YK5AD8U/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&qid=1454191474&sr=8-1&keywords=afterlife+blair&linkCode=sl1&tag=sgbookbundle-20&linkId=50caefa8ab56db00300265212892f7d3

Sixth, paradoxically, our grief can supposedly block communication with them.  For example, my severe grief can make it difficult for my girlfriend to reach me.  It seems there is a way to break down those barriers using EMDR therapy.


We're going through our worst nightmare.  We're not alone in our grief, and I am starting to believe that our wife/husband/girlfriend/boyfriend are still with us.


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Thanks for consolidating all this information. I know that this material will be of immense help to a lot of people. 
I hope that everyone gets what they are looking for. 

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The Light Between Us. 

Jeff, I've been seeing signs here...I don't think I'm going crazy, but I think Drew's been trying to send me messages. If you'd like to discuss directly... ejthompson[at]mac[dot]com...

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