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Feel so so lost and sad


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My beautiful cat Shakira (Bengal) started being sick and sleeping more - then I noticed her belly looked extended- after some blood results they said she had pancreatitis but also did a ultra sound just to rule anything else out which sadly showed a mass near her intestines/bowel and that the belly extension was fluid - the vets carried out a major operation removing the mass and draining the fluid - whilst she was recovering I got the devastating news it was pancreatic cancer and that although the mass had a clear radious of cancer cells she had cancer cells in the belly fluid - I was told this is a rare but aggressive cancer and that no more treatment was available for her - they also could not give me a time span of how long she had left.  I nursed her at home, it was heartbreaking because I could see she was desperately trying to get better from the big operation but I knew it was all in vein as the cancer would be taking hold.  I had a little caravan holiday booked with my family so I decided to bring her with me thinking at least I can spend quailty time with her and nurse her properly - sadly a couple of days in she was going downhill, she seemed very uncomfortable and the pain killers were making her spaced out - she then stopped eating and I was having to syringe feed her against her will and then she started vomiting and she was so weak and skinny and very depressed, her fur although still beautiful was looking unkept with shaved bits still from the operation and she just could not get comfortable and her head was hanging over he water bowl - I made the hard, sad decision to have her euthanised - the vet had a feel of her tummy before he sedated her and confirmed the cancer had quickly returned and that without a doubt she was in a lot of discomfort- I know I made the right decision but I now have the horrible road of grief - I returned home from the holiday today and the house does not feel like home even though I have my two dogs - one of my dogs (Gizmo a Pomeranian) is so depressed.  I can't get the thought out of my head of Shakira's eyes going dark when she was euthanised it was like the windows to the soul went dark - I just miss her terribly  - she was a house cat and I work from home so she was part of my everyday life - so so sad 

Such a horrible cancer!!! (She lasted 3 weeks from diagnoses to euthanasia)



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Hi Raven 

i really feel your pain, my beloved dog poppy passed on on Friday. She was the love of our lives, all we did this whole weekend was to cry. It does get better I promise. What we did is printed some pictures of poppy and framed them. Then we put them in our living room so she is with us always. She suffered a lot, having he put to sleep was the hardest decision of our lives so far. I just hope that one day we can come to peace with it. Hold on there Raven, you and your little one are in my prayers 


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Thank you Jonah and Anna for replying - she was most definitely well loved and cared for - she was my everything bless her.

I'm sorry to here about your lovely Poppy Anna I guess we both understand how painful it can be - funny enough I have ordered a canvass print of her today for my wall - it will probably make me sad to begin with but hopeful soon it will make me smile x 


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I am so sorry!  I, too, lost a cat to cancer, he was 19 and very much a part of our lives.  It's very hard, esp. when they're so much a part of your life and your family.

Your cat is beautiful! 

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Sorry for your loss.  My sweet Gracie was euthanized last week.  Still can't believe she is gone.  It happened so fast .  But I am grateful she didn't suffer any longer.  Hardest decision I ever made although I know it was the right thing to do.

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