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My cat Harvey Died 20 Days ago

Guest Bonnie33

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Guest Bonnie33

My cat Harvey died 20 days ago and I am devastated! He was only 7 years old and was a house cat.

He hadn't been ill and had no signs of anything wrong.

He was running about at 5am in the morning and as usual went under my bed to sleep when I heard an unusual "sneezing" noise and my husband got up to check him and he was dead. I can't believe he's not here any more and I miss him so much and have a pain in the pit of my stomach that won't go away. My previous cats lived to 18 years and the 10 years so I can't understand why he would go at 7 years!

Some people don't understand the grief, but they are the ones who don't have pets, but that's okay and their choice. It's just so unfair when your pet goes too early and way before there time :(

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Guest Bonnie33

It's now 25 days since Harvey went away and it's still not any easier, the house is so quiet without him, it's unbearable and I just would like one more cuddle :(

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Broken hearted Tom

I understand completely. My Graykitty died on April 7, I haven't been the same. I feel guilt for not protecting her. Someday I will upload videos I have of her, she will live on after I am gone. I miss her so.....

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