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Am I doing this even close to right


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I am the eldest sibling. My brother was/is/will always be 16 years younger than me. My sisters 8 and 18 years younger have so many different ways of dealing with this. In two days my brother will have been dead 2 months and I still don't know/accept or understand it. 22 years old and done in by a concoction of alcohol and heroin. How do you even begin to accept that this happened? He was clean for so long (as confirmed by his last texts) so why did he decide to do this? I know he would never want my mother to find him, but she did. I have only questions and no answers. How do you move on from the emptiness that is a drug overdose. People don't use because life is awesome. What did we miss? How did we not know he was using again?

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I am so very sorry about the loss of your brother. Addiction is complicated, chaotic, secretive, dark and just horrible. There are no easy answers, and even the very best of people can become addicts. It's extremely difficult to stay clean, and perhaps he hid it because he didn't want to hurt you all. Or, perhaps he relapsed in that one moment. 


One thing you can do is to go to counseling to understand addiction. Perhaps you should consider attending an Narcotics Anonymous meeting or a support group for families of addicts. 


Again, I am very sorry this has happened. We will be here for you,



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