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Rest easy, baby. 2007-2015


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I'm here to find people who understand my grieving

I moved 1200 miles away from everyone I was familiar with 6 months ago.

On February 12th 2015

I made the decision to put my 7 year old cat shadow down at the vet while on a three way call with my mom and aunt.

Over 2 weeks he became very ill

We were hoping it was a virus but the antibotics didn't work and it came down to kidney failure.

I have never been through this before

Especially not alone

It was the hardest decision of my life

It's been four days and I still feel him everywhere

I've seen so many signs of him one being very confusing to me which I'll share now

I came into my room Saturday night and shadows old tag from my moms house was laying on my floor in front of my nightstand... Earlier I found it and accidentally dropped it BEHIND my nightstand trying to put it on my cork board but then my roommates stepmom showed up when I was trying to get it and she distracted me and I forgot about it but when I came home that night it was laying in front of my nightstand the stand would have had to be pulled out to retrieve it. I feel it was him who found it for me and left me to find it again...

It made my head spin and I lost control of my tears

I've made a photo album of him that Ive been carrying everywhere with me I find comfort in it

It's only been 4 days and it feels like the pain is never going to go away

I still see him in the backyard chasing bugs

I still look for him upon waking

I still feel him nearly trip me while making my coffee in the kitchen

He's everywhere to me

He was the only familiar thing I had when I packed up my life and moved from Ohio to florida

My heart is in shambles

He was my best friend

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I also started a go fund me page in hopes to raise money to make a cuddle clone of my beloved shadow

I put hundreds of dollars into trying to make him better and now I'm unable to afford to create this

Here's the link if you want to help me


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I'm so sorry for your loss Hdgrove  -  Shadow's personality sounds a lot like my 10 year old cat Simba.  He got sick over a week or so period too and ended up just going downhill, it ended up he had cancer.  I decided to put him to sleep 3/16/2015. I still can't believe he's gone. We'll never forget them but hope the pain gets better with time. 

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I nope you find comfort in your love. I am really grieving my dog Max right nkw so I understand...

This hollow/empty feeling. This absence in the house. Its too much to bear. He was there for me in more ways than I knew.

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