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I lost Eddy my friend of 13yrs


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My Jack Russell Terrier Eddy was my best friend for 13 yrs.. helped me through my difficult marriage with an alcoholic, then divorce.. he was always with me.. always.. he had a long list of diseases (cancer, Cushing, diabetes) but he was a fighter, and I supported him and carried for him all those yrs.. last Monday he refused insuline shot.. I knew he got enough.. my heart broke, cuz I realized I will have to say "goodbye" to him.. we took him to his vet and ..his gone.. I know that it was a right decision, specially that we didn't wait until he felt really bad..but loosing him was the worst experience of my life.. I can't imagine he is not around anymore.. miss him sooo much..

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I am so very sorry you lost Eddy. I lost my precious fur baby (Emmy) to cancer after more than 15 years of having her with me. I also lost another fur kid, Bob, two years ago. I had to make the terrible decision to put him down. It was awful, but I know it was the best decision. He was suffering terribly.


We will be here for you. Do you have any pictures?



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