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Manny is our beloved gray haired, green eyed kitty of almost 11 years. We had to put him down on Saturday. He started losing weight around Christmas, but we chalked it up to getting older and slowing down. he stopped eating properly a couple of months ago. Honestly, it was so gradual that we didn't take him to the vet until mid March. The blood tests came back normal, and the doc recommended a dose of steroids. He seemed to be improving, and was super excited about the new raw diet I put him on. Until he stopped eating again early last week. Took him back to the vet and they recommended an abdominal ultrasound. Thursday we did the ultra and his abdominal region was full of cancer. At this point we were devastated but thought we might have a few weeks or a month to come to terms with his diagnosis. However, in the two days after the ultra he stopped eating completely. I think he was aware that we finally understood how bad he was hurting and he felt permission to let go. We took Friday off of work and I cooked him a salmon fillet in chicken broth for what I knew would be his last meal. I was so happy he ate a little bit of it. Friday afternoon he peed on his blanket, something he has never done in all the years with us. We knew it was time. The vet came to our house on Saturday afternoon and he died in my arms at 2:00. It was the worst day I can remember. About 20 minutes before the vet arrived he went into hiding. The timing was spooky, and I trust it was his way of showing us that he was ready. My husband and I have been crying and thinking of him nonstop. We don't have kids, and manny was our first kitty. He is so completely loved and had so much personality, so much fire. We have another cat who has never ever been alone, because her protector Manny was always there. I worry about going back to work tomorrow and leaving her. She stayed in the room with us during the euthanasia and sniffed his body, so I hope she has an understanding of why he is gone, but today she seemed to be looking for him. We are heartbroken. I'm not sure if I believe in ghosts or if spirits stick around, but yesterday morning at 5am I came out to the living room to see two huge paintings had been knocked over in the night. Pic attached. Totally Manny's MO. It gives me comfort to think it was his little spirit causing mischief and letting us know he is all right. Thank you for reading, and if anyone has any words for getting through this, or helping our other cat get through this, I would appreciate it. -nicole


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I am so very sorry about the loss of Manny. We had my first cat, Emmy, for 15 years before she, too, died of cancer. I was rocked to the core. It took me awhile to move forward, but we eventually found two more beloved fur kids to love. Bob was one of them. He died last year after being apart of our family for more than 10 years. His sister, Mia, is still with us. You did a very good thing by allowing your other cat to sniff Manny and process. We didn't do that for Mia (I just didn't know the impact Bob's death would have on her). She searched for him for days and went into mourning and depression. I believe she still is worried about him (although I don't really know for sure if that is possible).

Just cry and remember all the wonderful times you had with Manny. He is a beautiful cat. It will get easier in time.


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