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Feeling lost


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I lost the love of my life, the father of my daughter last year in September. I feel like I haven't dealt with any of my pain. I have no choice but to go through the motions of everyday life. Getting out of bed and facing the day is a huge struggle. This still doesn't feel real. I feel like I'm losing my mind sometimes. I'm so detached from who I am or who I was. I don't know. The only emotions I feel are fear and anger. Does anyone else feel this or am I losing it? Does it ever get better?

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I'm sorry for your loss and your pain. I am also detached from who I was. I know I will never be that person again. When emily left a part of me also left. When I go to public places I put on an I am ok mask. But deep down I am very very sad. I don't know if that will ever truly go away. If you can, maybe find a local support group. I read alot to try to understand where my daughter is now. It is a hard and lonely walk. Our goal from here on out is to get through each day as the day, the moment comes. I still have moments where I just cannot belive it. All I can do is get through, that is it. I don't care what others think I should be doing or how i should move on by now. I can only do what I can. They can deal with it or not.I hope you can find a healthy outlet to help you get through. But know, there are others who do understand. debbie

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Dear Foochie, I'm sorry you have to be here going through this. I wish it didn't hurt so bad, but I know it does. I know

reaching out and reading others stories on this site will help you feel not so alone with the way you feel. I've learned there is no right way to feel and we can't rush our grief. It's a sad journey but it has to get better right? You'll be in my prayers, Marti

The people here do understand and your not losing it, your grieving!

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Thank you guys for your prayers and understanding. The loneliness is the hardest right now. I have my family who support me but at the end of the day, they all have their own lives to deal with. I fear for my daughter that one day, when the reality of all this crashes down on me, I'll have a nervous breakdown and she'll lose me as well. Soon, I will look into a support group in my city to try and get some help. I don't know what else to do.

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