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** Broken-Hearted Over A Loss? **


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Warm greetings to everyone!

Trying to manage a broken heart due to the loss of a loved one who was close to you is perhaps the most difficult thing to do. There is much emotion involved naturally, but the feeling of grief can many times overwhelm a person. We have all been through this and my heart goes out to those others who are experiencing a difficult time with this matter.

There is great information that some may not be aware of regarding the problems of having a "broken heart". For more on this, please visit --

Broken Heart Syndrome is Real, Scientists Claim -- https://www.thirdage...laim_01-11-2012

May God Bless Everyone who is going through a broken-heart experience at this time. Please know that you are not alone in this but more importantly, God Is With You, so take heart!

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