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Five years later...


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Almost five years ago (July 18th, 2007) I lost my beloved husband of 30 years. The circumstances were unusual and more than I can write about right now. I'm still experiencing difficulty moving anywhere. Many days I can't go out of the house or do anything. Other times i make some progress. I'm new to this forum and hope I can find support from others in similar circumstances. If I ever get on with life, maybe someday I'll be able to help others.

I've read other posts, and my heart goes out to all of you.

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Almost five years ago (July 18th, 2007) I lost my beloved husband of 30 years. The circumstances were unusual and more than I can write about right now. I'm still experiencing difficulty moving anywhere. Many days I can't go out of the house or do anything. Other times i make some progress. I'm new to this forum and hope I can find support from others in similar circumstances. If I ever get on with life, maybe someday I'll be able to help others.

I've read other posts, and my heart goes out to all of you.

everyone tells me it gets better with time but what i see from some of you i don't think it does. people seems to think i'm crazy but mine has only been 2 weeks i can hardly stand it.

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Hi Gunner'swife,

Sorry for your loss. After two weeks people think you're crazy? I'd like to see what others would do under similar circumstances. The only thing the much-lauded *time* has done for me is put distance between myself and the event. Sometimes the pain isn't as often and acute. But it's still there. The process is different for everybody. I wish I had an answer. All I can do is send my love and support.

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