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I just lost my best friend (my mom) on Tues June 12,2012


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I just recently lost my mom a few weeks ago to a heart attack. she was 68 years old. My mom loved life. She had other health problems for years but, hung on for us. I know she wasn't ready to die. I loved her so much. How does one move on with their lives with a loss like this. I lost my grandma years ago. But this is a lot harder. I miss and love her so much. I just hope she's happy and out of pain.No one knows what's on the other side. I hope she's with her parents.

Please help with any comments or suggestions. Thank you.

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Hi Saramom: I am so sorry for your loss. I know exactly what you mean. I lost my mother 6 months ago. Its so hard, tonight i was crying walking down the street because my car is in the shop till friday. I am moving because i don't get along with my roommates i just want

her back. Every change, every trigger its so hard.

I will pray for you and keep coming here went you need to chat. Prayers of healing and comfort for you.


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Hi Saramom: I am so sorry for your loss. I know exactly what you mean. I lost my mother 6 months ago. Its so hard, tonight i was crying walking down the street because my car is in the shop till friday. I am moving because i don't get along with my roommates i just want

her back. Every change, every trigger its so hard.

I will pray for you and keep coming here went you need to chat. Prayers of healing and comfort for you.


Thank you Deb. She was such a strong woman. I'm and out of the hosp. I k she was not ready to go. I'm so hurt..

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I understand and feel your pain, join me on facebook and go on facebook to "prayer group for whoever is in need 4.0" we have a great healing and caring group. please join us type it in the line in your facebook

and i am on facebook under dad245@nau.edu

hope to see you dear we can help each other.

Nameste ~~

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I understand and feel your pain, join me on facebook and go on facebook to "prayer group for whoever is in need 4.0" we have a great healing and caring group. please join us type it in the line in your facebook

and i am on facebook under dad245@nau.edu

hope to see you dear we can help each other.

Nameste ~~

Ok thank u.

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The biggest thing Saramom is going to be constant acknowledgment of what your emotions are telling you. And it needs to be consistent. You might notice on bad days that there is really a couple of handfuls of emotional feelings that are very strong. It's important to sift through them and just tell yourself that hey, I'm feeling alone today because I miss the caring, acceptance, jolliness, and connection that your mom provided. That might be one example. But you could also go further - What was it about the caring, nurturing that she gave you do you really miss? What kind of caring and nurturing was it? How did that feel? Something along that path. These examples may or may not apply to you, but there are plenty of emotions that probably will.

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Thank you for your help. Yes, I think this will help me. I will try what you mentioned.

Thank you.

Also, I'm not feeling any connection w her in a dream or outside. My sisters do. I'm sad that she hasn't come to me yet.

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Thank you for your help. Yes, I think this will help me. I will try what you mentioned.

Thank you.

Also, I'm not feeling any connection w her in a dream or outside. My sisters do. I'm sad that she hasn't come to me yet.

A back and forth with someone else may help also to go through what I described, maybe someone you trust, possibly someone on this board.

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I sympathize

I just lost my mom also my best friend on June 19th. I feel like my whole world has been taken away. I feel lost and completely alone and can't stop crying. I have a great support group yet I still feel like no one understands

I have an appointment on Tues to go to counseling

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated

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