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Loss of My Mom, Betty


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My Mom passed on May 18th. She was 83. My father passed over 3 years ago. I know from going through the loss of my Dad that you do adjust and that my Dad's presence will always be with me. Your parents are such an integral part of your life, and, of course, when you are a child, they are the earth, moon, sun and stars since they are your main frame of reference. I am 50. I took care of my parents for over 6 years. They both had dementia. To take care of both of your parents and do all you can for them is a choice you make, but you do have to become quite devoted and committed to handle all of the situations that arise and get into a zone, so to speak, in order to maintain your stamina. I am very glad that I did take care of my parents and know that they richly deserved the care that I tried to provide to them. I feel quite displaced right now since my Mom died. My last parent is now gone, and all of the unconditional love that you receive from your parents is also gone. I know that this is another phase of my life, but I feel that with the death of my Mom, I have lost the last bit of innocence in my life. I feel unable to really grieve for my Mom yet, and simply remain feeling stunned and unable to really understand how I feel.

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Sorry for your loss. You will feel it very soon and you won't heal till you do.

I lost my mom to parkinsons 6 months ago. She was all i had, i am devestated and continue to be. Every change in life, moving or whatever brings it all back.

I will pray for your peace and comfort. I believe your grieving will come, sometimes months later you feel it.

Nice to meet you.


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