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Feeling so scared and alone.


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Since I lost my mum two months ago, I've just had this feeling of being really lost and scared. My mum was such a huge part of my life, my best friend and now that she's gone I just feel so, so alone. I live with my dad but we've never been close and he has a temper whereas I cry really easily, which makes things between us worse.

Now that I don't have my mum, I feel like I don't have anyone. I have family but it's not the same. I'm 16 and growing up but I still need her and life just seems so scary without her.

Inside I think I'm just that same little girl who needed her mummy and I can't deal with it without her.

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Hi Chloe: I lost my mom 6 months ago and she was 87. I am here if you want to chat and i understand the pain you feel. Its very hard and will take time for you to heal and get better.

I am so sorry you lost your mom. I am very sensitive also and today was a rough day for me. I am so lost without her. So if there is anything i can do just ask. my facebook is dad245@nau.edu

Deborah A. Davis

Saying a prayer for you dear.

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I can relate to being the same little girl who needs her mom. I don't think I will ever not have this feeling, but she is in my heart.

Hang in there.

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Debbie: Sorry for your loss, but you should feel extremely lucky that your mother lived to be 87 (!) years old. I am not sure you can actually relate to what this poor girl is going through

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oh i can relate, she was my only family, i am also a counselor, i have had a lot of loss in my life, i understand all too well.

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oh i can relate, she was my only family, i am also a counselor, i have had a lot of loss in my life, i understand all too well.

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Chloe: Dont do anything crazy. I am so sorry your mom is gone. Its horrible isn't it? I know exactly how you feel. I lost my whole world when my mom died. It was just her and I. I

I have to move friday, been so hard since she died, i know how you feel. There is nothing like a mothers love, I know another girl who is not much older than you who lost her mom. She thought she might die also.

The world seems different now doesn't it. I know. I had a wierd day, walking, my car is in the shop and i just started crying, thinking I can't believe she is gone. Its so sad, but in time you will get stronger and you have to push yourself to find things

you enjoy. Try not to let people bother you. I know its easier said than done.

I live with roommates who can be very disrespectful when they feel like it. I am moving on Saturday and i just want my mom back to go stay with. We were so so close, sometimes i cannot imagine my life without her.

Some things help, like visiting places and stores where we went keeps her memory alive, later after a few months start looking at her pictures. Grief actually keeps us close to our loved ones. I will pray for you in our prayer group. Here is the link on facebook

to the prayer group. once on facebook type in "prayer group for whoever is in need 4.0" and join us we would love to pray with you dear.


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I guess the best thing to do will be to find what you want and what you need. Good luck!

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Chloe: Dont do anything crazy. I am so sorry your mom is gone. Its horrible isn't it? I know exactly how you feel. I lost my whole world when my mom died. It was just her and I. I

I have to move friday, been so hard since she died, i know how you feel. There is nothing like a mothers love, I know another girl who is not much older than you who lost her mom. She thought she might die also.

The world seems different now doesn't it. I know. I had a wierd day, walking, my car is in the shop and i just started crying, thinking I can't believe she is gone. Its so sad, but in time you will get stronger and you have to push yourself to find things

you enjoy. Try not to let people bother you. I know its easier said than done.

I live with roommates who can be very disrespectful when they feel like it. I am moving on Saturday and i just want my mom back to go stay with. We were so so close, sometimes i cannot imagine my life without her.

Some things help, like visiting places and stores where we went keeps her memory alive, later after a few months start looking at her pictures. Grief actually keeps us close to our loved ones. I will pray for you in our prayer group. Here is the link on facebook

to the prayer group. once on facebook type in "prayer group for whoever is in need 4.0" and join us we would love to pray with you dear.


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I know that feeling guys;(( My and and aka Mama passed on June 10th;(( OMG! I really just typed that;(( Its a sick and inhumane sadness! My world has changed.. My rock is gone! I don't wanna live without her;(( Days are nothing but tears.. grief.

And unbearable sadness .. I can't do this ..

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Chloe are you any better? What have you been doing this past week? Keep us posted please.

Sir Tulsa: Your mom just passed give it time, its so hard for all of us, hang on, come here and talk..

Debbie i will be praying for both of you..... It was there time, we have to learn to go on without them. It sux but it is part of the life cycle, we will die one day also but not now it is not our time. You must try to be strong and hold on.

Join a support group, there are some on facebook even, go to your local church, that helps me alot. A grief support group, everyone there has a loss and they understand we hold hands and pray at the end. I will ever be so grateful for that.

I am moving in 2 days and my world seems turned upside down again. Story of my life since mom died, Can't deal with roommates from craigslist anymore. its so hard going on without my mom but i have to do it.

Prayers for all of us for strength perseverence, a renewed sense of well being. I go to the gym swim and work out that helps alot. Find people with likes like your own and hang around them.

Prayers of strength.


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I believe what you are experiencing is emotional overwhelm and you really need a support system that's truly there for you. You need to acknowledge you are most likely feeling bitter, powerless, in despair, uncertain, lost, alone, vulnerable, distressed, anxious, crushed, victimized, alienated, anguished, desperate, all kinds of things like that. It is most likely feeling overwhelming to the point of feeling dead inside because all these emotions, as one giant jumble, are going unacknowledged. Each emotion that is unacknowledged becomes an internal enemy which puts you into a constant fight or flight mode which in turn wreaks havoc on both your adrenalin and serotonin levels and that's what's making you freak out. You really need to grab onto someone you can trust right now and explain all these specific emotions on how you're feeling. The more internalized you are right now the more you will feel like you are fighting a battle you can't win. I say choose someone, even if on this message board to send an email to to see if they will be your back and forth right now, even a newbie like me (who has experienced a loss of a loved one) would accept that position. I do feel like someone that can be of help for what it's worth.

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Thank you for your concern. I haven't done anything crazy but I still just feel so overwhelmingly sad all the time.

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Thank you for your concern. I haven't done anything crazy but I still just feel so overwhelmingly sad all the time.

How do you feel about that sadness right now? What point do you feel like you're at?

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I am glad you are safe. Be strong. It is what your mom would have wanted. Please continue to keep us posted.


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