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One Year Anniversary


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Well its been exactly a year. For some reason I thought it wouldn't hurt as much anymore but nothing has changed. It's 2 & the Radio is still on fullblast just so I can't hear my own thoughts. Tomorrow I'm supposed to meet with friends & say goodbye again. I say goodbye everyday & kinda wonder when or if life will ever be tolerable again? I miss him so much there are really no words to express the true depth the true emptyness that I now live with always. I don't know how I'm going to deal with tomorrow but I didn't know how I was going to deal with today but I'm still here so.....

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I'm very sorry. That day is coming up for me as well. Hope that being with friends/family helps. I have precious little of both (friends meaning true friends, I have/have had plenty of pretenders) so be glad for that. Wishing you whatever comfort and better days you can make.....

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