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stillborn baby girl


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On April 13, 2011 i lost my first child, and my heart. i was 37 weeks pregnant. we went in for our weekly checkup and we couldnt find the heart beat. i had a c section that night. the cord was in a knot around her little ankle. i dont even feel like im living in reality anymore. and lately, because time is passing, i feel like i was almost never pregnant at all. like it was all just a bad dream. i was so excited for her. i painted her room, washed all of her clothes, organized all her items.. i had everything ready to go. the rug was pulled from under us and i sometimes i feel like im still falling.

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Hi Olivia's mom,I also lost my baby girl on the 10th July 2011.It is such a painfulf thing because on my side it was the neglegence of the nurses who were taking care of me.They saw that my daughter 's heart was distressing but they did nothing about it.The only started being serious when my baby's heart had already stoped beating,at first i wanted to sue the hospital ,but it was going to be more of a reminder of my loss.I found confort in God Almighty and I believe He have greater plans for me.She was my first born and i also gave birth to her by c-section and i long to love and nurture my baby always.I even wanted to make a baby as soon as possible but my family and friends said my uterine will rupture.

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I am so sorry for the loss of your precious babies, Rose and Olivia's mom. I too lost a baby at birth. My story is similar to your's Rose where the nurse realized that there were issues with the heartbeat but did ask the doctor, whose office was literally right across the street to come earlier to to do the c-section. I feel so sad for my sweet girl who never got a chance at life. It was not right. I sometimes feel that I should have been able to do more to protect her and perhaps save her. I have other children who I love with all my heart but they will never take the place of my sweet girl who left far too soon. Some people don't understand...they feel that she doesn't really matter, but I know different. She was important, her life mattered and she is missed more than most will ever know or understand. I feel robbed of getting the chance to know her and watch her grow up. I feel the world was robbed of the wonderful person she would have become. It was so hard to leave the hospital with empty arms and even harder to tell my little one that she could not go home with us and that he was not going to be a big brother right then. My son has since become a big brother and we have joyfully welcomed a new child into the family but we will never stop missing the sweet girl who left us far too soon.

I wish you and all who come here peace and comfort as you travel along this difficult journey. God bless. ~Terra

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so sorry for your losses i too lost my baby girl Eva on her due date it was just a week a 2 days ago and i went in that wed. and she was fine i hadnt felt her move in a few days and looked it up and it said that they slow movement down so i didnt think nothing of it then i got scared on sat went to hospital sun. and they told me they couldnt find heartbeat they had me have her naturaly and they checked her cord and everything but they cant tell me what happened when i could handle to see her she didnt look how a newborn should look she had been dead in my body for a few days i will never get to see the color of her eyes or hold a warm body and my 4 yr old ask me where his baby sister is which makes it worse for me trying to stay strong for him i was wondering if yall had this feeling after that you should be pregnant like a really strong feeling i know part is from loosing her but it feels like more just wondering how you all are dealing with it need help

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