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Los my dad 2 days ago


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I lost my dad October 5 2017

this is soooo hard harder than I ever thought anything would be!! Im so heartbroken I don't know what to do with myself my mom the love of his life his soulmate her everything is gone my daddy I'm such a daddy's girl I'm his baby it's so hard I feel helpless I can't believe it I feel like he's going to walk in the door any minute!! And my mom omg she's so desperate to see him to see if he's okay to know if he's hungry or is he's cold!! I feel helpless I don't know what to do!!! Help me please!! The doctors said he was going to be okay that he was getting better they lied whyyy did they lie he was gone my daddy left he left us whyyyy my daddy

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Dear Leslie,

Sending you love and hugs. I'm so sorry to hear about your daddy. I know the pain and sorrow is unbearable right now. 

Please know you are not alone. We will be here to listen and support you in anyway we can.

If you want to consider talking to a grief counsellor or therapist.

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