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Still feeling a lot of guilt


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I lost my dog Hunter over 2 years ago, but I'm still grieving and mourning his death everyday.  I dream about him 2-3 times a week.  I have a lot of guilt regarding his death and also the way I treated him sometimes.  I feel like I should have done more, and should have been more respectful and kinder to him especially toward the end of his life.  These guilty feelings are so painful. I hope wherever he is, he understands that I truly love him and he's the most important being in my life.  I hope he's forgiven me for being selfish at times.  I still have his fur all over inside my truck because I can't bring myself to clean up.  I still have his half eaten treat, kong, collars, bowls, and many other things.  Would someone in this forum offer me advice on how to cope with the guilt I carry?  It's been very difficult to move on.  Thanks, Jane.

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I don't know if you've read any of the other threads, but I just posted this in another one, and I'll post it again here for you, I've found these articles to be helpful: 


There's also a link to an article "Coping with Sorrow..." at the bottom of this article you might want to read:

I'm sorry you lost Hunter.  I've lost so many dogs and cats over the years, and it just doesn't get easier, the fact is, they're a big part of our lives and we continue loving them.

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