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I had an experience that might help you


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Hello everyone. I came to Indigo to share my experience because it is important and I am suppose the share it.

I loved my mother so much. I was an only daughter so she was my mom, my sister, and my best friend.  One day she was in the hospital, she had emphysema and I knew that she did not have much longer to live.  I remember standing in the shower and saying prayers for her to get well. I live 400 miles away from her and could not be at her side.  At the very moment that my prayer ended I received a reply. The response came to me first from my heart and then to my head. It said, "Why all the prayers if you do not go see the person?"

At that moment I had greater wisdom then so many in my position. I ran from the shower dripping in a towel and hugged my husband in tears. I told him I have to go, my mom is sick. I have to spend as much time with her as I can.  He said go. Be with your mom.  I quit my job so I could spend as much time as possible with her.  From that point forward I had four wonderful years with her helping to ease her pain and fear before she passed.

And my story does not end there....

My mother did finally pass and of course I was devastated and beyond grief. I cried a solid two years. My heart would not heal. At night I would dream of her. She would be sick and I would be there praying for her to make it though it but she didn't and when I awoke, I knew the dream was for real. I had a very, very hard time moving on. I could not stop crying. Hardly for a moment. My face was raw from the salt of my tears.

And then again one night I was having another nightmare dream about her.  I remember sobbing in the dream. But this time a young man in a suit came a placed his hand on my shoulder.  At that moment I felt safe and I just knew that he was an angel.  I knew it was okay to go with him and I did. We began to walk and he spoke to me. I will never forget his words, "You have no idea how fortunate you are. You are going to have the opportunity to sit down and meet with God. So many people would love to have this chance that you are going to get. God wants to speak to you about your Mother. You are suppose to share this with others and he knows that you will."

Then we reached a room and he said, "This is not how it is, we have created this for your benefit. God will come in and he will look like an ordinary man." In this room was a big desk with a chair in front of it. I felt like I was in a job interview. I sat in the chair and I waited for a moment. 

A tall dark haired man came into the room. I could not tell you all his features just that he was wearing a very nice suit and tie and he had big loving eyes.  He knew my name reached across the desk to shake my hand and said, "Hello Nicole. How are you?" I must have squeaked a hello and a okay. Then I saw his big brown eyes. These eyes gave me a feeling of intense love. They seemed to look into my heart and shoot safe and soothing feelings at me.  And he said this to me....

"Nicole, I want you to know your Mom is okay. She's not alone. She's with me and she's happy. It's okay, she's not alone." He seemed to know that a huge part of my grief was that I was separated from her and I didn't want her to be alone without the family. I knew that was a big part of my grief. He kept stressing that she was with him and not alone. Then he said, "She's happy, she's not sick anymore and she can breathe." I was sobbing at this point just sitting in that chair. I could hardly look at him.  Then he asked, "Would you like to see her one more time?"

"Oh, yes, please, yes, yes, yes!" was my answer. 

"Okay, we're going to set that up for you." and he called the angel back into the room.  He told the angel, "We're going to go ahead and set it up for her to see her mom. Go ahead and take her to the room for her to see her."

I was brought to a big room. It was lowly lit with chairs all the way around the room like a reception room at a doctor's office. There was a door across the room and through that door came my mom! She didn't look sick anymore. She looked like she did back in the 1970's. She was so pretty. She ran over to the chair next to mine and hugged and kissed me.  I could smell her hair. I hugged her neck and kissed that favorite spot on her temple. I loved her so much.  I told her that over and over. She told me she loved me too. The she spoke sharply to me, "Stop worrying about me. I'm okay. I'm not alone. You have a whole life ahead of you and a wonderful husband. Go back and be a good wife to him. Be happy again!" She was kind of mad at me. All I could say was that I knew she was right.  Then she said she had to go back and I have to go back. I said okay. She got up and went back through her door and as she did, I turned and went back through my door.

As soon as I passed though my door. I could see my body sleeping in the bed. I sped like a bullet to it and as soon as I hit my body I woke up.  Then I went back to sleep and the whole dream came back to me the next morning.

I hope this will help others with their grief.  I have more to share if you think it might help. I don't know why I was chosen for this, I am an ordinary woman and not so perfect and good. I have sins too. But I do seem to have a special connection and I know that I am blessed.

Respectfully submitted,


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Wow!!Thank you for sharing your experience,it was very comforting and brought tears to my eyes.I miss my mom so much,I just want to know that she is somewhere else,that death is not the end.I want to know that she is happy where she is,but most of all,I want to know that I will some day get to see her again.I love to hear stories like yours,it gives me hope-thank you!!!;)

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That was a beautiful, inspiring, well-told story. Thank you for taking the time to share it. I'm thinking my mother would say the same thing to me if I was in that situation.

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Dear Butterfly,

I can tell you without doubt that your mom is in a better place.  She is in the beautiful light of God, with all his glorious colors.  She wouldn't come back if she could because it is so wonderful to be with him and with Jesus.  I have had so many experiences and I do not know why I was chosen but I know there is much, much more to our world.  How do I know this?

Because all these experiences have one thing in common.  When they happen a very peaceful and loving feeling comes over me like I am safe, very safe.  And then always words of extreme wisdom enter me. It's hard to explain but they originate in my heart and go instantly to my head. Very, very fast they zoom from my heart to my head.

Here's an example:

My mom went into the hospital many times. Each time it became harder and harder on all of us to go through.  There was a time that we did not think she would get off the respirator. She was so bloated like a water balloon.  The doctor told my Dad that this time she wouldn't make it.  Dad came home from the hospital very upset and crying.  It made me sob. I ran outside just running to get away. After I stopped running I said the prayer of my life. I begged God to let me keep her for a little more time, please don't take her not yet. At that moment I realized how hard it must of been for God to see his only son suffer so much before death.  And I said in my prayer how much I honor that sacrifice and how much I knew his pain. And at that very moment those words of wisdom came to me and they said:

"When your mother suffers more with you then you suffer without her, she has to come home"

Those words are so wise, they are bigger then me. I am not so smart or great, I did not make them up. I believe they came from God. Then he let me have my mom for two more years after that moment, and our family made the most of the time we had. It wasn't time wasted. We all loved her so much. We took every moment we had.

I know I am suppose to speak without fear.  I know many people over the years as I tell them these stories think that I am stretching for belief, but they are wrong. I don't know why I have been chosen because I was not raised with religion.  I am just now reading the Bible. I began reading it last October and something really big happened to me. If you want to hear it, I will explain more. But I don't want to take up all your time.

So be at peace, you are not alone and if you listen hard...I believe you will have these experiences too.  I just think my ears are perked to it.


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Dear Lafayette,

Thank you for reading about my experience.  It's true that we suffer more then they do. Our loved ones are in heaven and they wouldn't want to come back if they could.  We have to go on without them and what helps me is to try to live my life in a way that would make God proud. I always tell him that I hope I make him proud of me today and then I do simple things like help an elderly person or someone that needs help when I am out and about.  One day I was putting gas in my car and there was an elderly lady trying to put the gas nozzle in the door handle of her car. She would go to people for help but they would bow their head and walk away like they didn't see her.  I saw my opportunity and went over to teach her how to pump the gas. It turns out that her husband had just died a week before and he always put the gas in her car.  At that moment I felt so peaceful and these words came to me:

"You honor God when you take the opportunity to be a living angel on Earth for someone in need."

I felt blessed to of been handed those words of wisdom and I will never forget that day or those words.


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Nicole-You are not taking up my time,I would love to hear about the other experience you had if you are willing to tell it.You have a great out look on life and yes,you sound like you have been blessed.

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Dear Butterfly,

Thank you for your interest. It was a fabulous experience and I love to share the story with others.  Here is what happened.

Just last October, I was so upset about our government. They have ruined our lives, spent all our hard earned money and left nothing for the hard working taxpayer.  I was so angry I could barley function.  One day I was so exasperated.  I got out of my car at home and began to cry and pray. I was so upset I said the prayer out loud with my voice, "Dear God please take this anger from my heart. I can't take it anymore. I ask it in the name of my dear savior Jesus, please take this anger from my heart."

A couple of days later, my husband told me that I better check the books I had under the bed because our little bird got under there and was shredding paper.  I went and found a easy read Bible that I had stashed there long ago. I always intended to read it but never got around to opening up the first pages.  I decided at that moment that I would give it a shot see what was inside this incredible book. And I was immediately engrossed by Genesis and then Exodus.  I read all about the Ark of the Covenant. It was described by God to Moses in the most detailed manner.  So beautiful, made with gold. I wanted to see it and know more. I wondered why God called the top of it the "mercy seat" he called it that many times. I remembered seeing an email about human bones, horse bones and chariot parts under the Red Sea and I wanted to see these pictures again. So I went to my computer. And there I was pulled to read and read. I could not leave the computer.  In the morning I would get up and try to ignore the urge to sit at the computer, but I was helpless.  I was being directed to read the story of a biblical archeologist by the name of Ron Wyatt.  I had never heard of him.  His story is magnificent. He was a servant of God. God showed him where Noah's Ark was located. And he showed him where the parting of the Red Sea was. Ron found an ancient column on the shore, lying in the water. He did not know for sure but decided to take a look under the water to see if he could find anything because, if this is where the sea parted, there would be some evidence. The thing about Ron was that he was a scientific man. He put on his scuba gear and found the chariot parts, horse bones and human bones under the sea.  Then he knew it was the right spot. So if this was the parting place then across the water must be the real Mt. Sinai over there in Saudi Arabia. He tried to get a visa into the country but it was denied so he got one into Jordan and crossed the border. He went to the shores on the other side and there was an identical column on that side too. That one was still standing and inscribed. It had the words Moses, Red Sea, Pharaoh, and Solomon. It was inscribed in ancient Hebrew. And the story does not stop there....

Ron got terribly sunburned trying to bring up these parts and bones so he could not continue. He was so disappointed that he decided to go to Jerusalem and poke around.  There he ran into an archeologist that was digging. He told him what he found, the columns etc. And as he was speaking to this man his arm went up from his side and he pointed to a spot and said, "That's Jeremiah's grotto and that's where the Ark of the Covenant is located." He was so shocked that this came from his mouth. Ron knew that he was being directed to say this. To Ron's amazement the archeologist told him, "I'm the head of the antiquities department here in Jerusalem and I'm going to fund you to dig." Ron was very excited and came back for the official dig.

To make a long story short, Ron found the very spot that Jesus was crucified and there was a crack in the hole where the cross sat (the Earth shook when Jesus passed and it opened up). He dug deep into the mountain and discovered a chamber. There inside the chamber was the Ark of the Covenant.  And up on top of it was a black substance.  Then Ron knew God's full story. Not very many people know that when Jesus died and the Roman lanced his side...his blood flowed down the wood of the cross into the crack in the Earth. It ran deep into the mountain and fell 20 feet below and landed on the top of the Ark of the Covenant. It landed on the left side of the "mercy seat" the side closest to the heart. I sat for days reading this after my prayer to God.  At that moment I knew why God called it the mercy seat in Exodus, because he knew that the blood of his son would flow and land upon it for the mercy of our souls.  The Ark of the Covenant is the most holy place. It was God's throne when he came to Moses to speak and teach. As I was reading all this incredible story, tears ran down my face. The final chapter of Jesus' Crucifixion an ending so beautiful only God could write.  And at that very moment a voice came from my heart to my head and it said, "whenever you feel that anger in your heart, visualize the Ark of the Covenant." I knew that God had just answered my prayer, he showed me the full story and gave me a new life reading the words he wrote in the first 5 chapters of the Bible. He was again at my side bringing peace to my heart.

There are 4 angels in the chamber guarding the Ark. They look like 4 young men, just like the angel that touched my shoulder in the dream I had about my mom. They instructed Ron to scrape some of the black substance off the mercy seat and have it analyzed at a lab. Ron did as he was told.  It was human blood. This blood had only 24 chromosomes. Normally we get 46 chromosomes 23 from our mother and 23 from our father. This blood had 23 from the mother and only 1 male chromosome from the father. This blood was living blood. After thousands of years it is still living.

I am taking the time to tell you the story because everyone needs to have the opportunity to hear it so that they know the rest of God's story. Everyone has to decide for themselves if it is true or not.  Me, I believe it with all my heart an I get so much comfort from it. I hope you will too.  Know that the stories in the Bible are true as incredible as they are. They were actual events in our history. God is with you. Pray to him and tell him that you realize the pain he felt when Jesus died. His only son. How painful that must have been. Tell him you honor his sacrifice and that you hope to live your life in his light. Then go do something for someone in need. It might be a small child crying lost on the corner or an elderly woman who can't find her car.  Reach out and know that when you have the opportunity to be a living angel for someone on Earth, you are honoring God.

Here is the link to read about Ron and all his discoveries. There are some wonderful videos that you can see with your own eyes the chariot parts, the columns, etc. It is all very interesting.  There are also a lot of his field notes.  Ron has since passed away. He died in 1999. He discovered the Ark in 1982. Why we have not heard, I do not know. It must be that God wants us to find out for ourselves and help each other discover his ending.


and here is the link so you can see Ron and what he said about the blood of Christ:

I hope this note will bring you some peace. There are pictures on the Internet of the Ark of the Covenant. Just as I was instructed visualizing it has removed my anger. Maybe it will help you when you feel sad about your loss. The real Ark is still deep in the mountain. Ron was allowed to find it but not allowed to reveal it. God is not ready for that at this time. Now you know more then most who sit in church and read their Bibles. You know more then the preacher who gives sermons every Sunday. You know the ending to the Crucifixion of Christ.  I hope you will hold the story dear to your heart.


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Thanks for sharing this.  I love it.

Colleen, Brian's Mother Forever

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Nicole ty so much for this -  please share more with me of what you have been told etc - i find it very inspiring 

also did he tell you why your mom didnt get well ? thats what i want to know about mine also - why ?

maybe you got a chance to ask him --

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Dear Members,

We are excited to mention that we are moving to a more new and improved message boards on MONDAY MORNING AUGUST 9th! The boards will be done for a few hours while we are making the conversation. Remember we posted information about this move a month ago. For some of you this might seem a bit sudden,  but when we were reviewing the site we determined the current message board you are using is out of date and the company that designed it is no longer in existence. The good news is this new message board will have new features that have been requested in the past like more fields we can add to your profiles and a chat room up to 20 people at one time. If we find the chat room is bursting at the seams we will add additional room for extra people. All your old posts, private messages and such will be migrated to the new message board. You might have to put up your profile picture again but not sure. The new company will be doing the migration for us. Here is a short list of some of the new features on the board:

- Custom Profile Fields- Users can customize their profile pages by selecting a background color or background image, with tiling options.- Facebook and Twitter Integration- users can respond to multiple posts at once with "mini-quote"- Pinned discussion threads - like welcome to our board etc.- Announcements made across some boards or the entire message board- Search: Users can easily find all content generated by a particular member, by clicking the 'Find Content' button that appears on the main profile page, or in the Mini Profile Popup which can be accessed throughout the board. The results page allows content to be filtered by application, as well whether the member created it or merely participated in it. - Privacy: allows users to sign in anonymously, hiding them from the online users list. Users also have the option to disable personal conversations and user-to-user emails, as well as ignore other users if necessary.

The next exciting piece of news about the new message board is it will have a new domain name of www.grieving.com for search engine optimization purposes. It will still be apart of Beyond Indigo and can be found through www.beyondindigo.com. We will be redirecting your current URL's to this new domain name but we might miss a few. If that is the case simply go back to www.grieving.com or www.beyondindigo.com to find your message board thread. We will try to make the transition as seamless as possible. 

The bottom line is the new board will give us room to grow our community and more options to interact better with each other. 

If you have any questions please direct them to feedback@beyondindigo.com

Kelly Baltzell, MACEO/PresidentBeyond Indigo Family

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Thank you so much for posting this.... You're so very blessed to have had this experience. I lost my Mom in Oct. of 2007, and miss her so much, every single day. I'd LOVE to be able to see my mom again, to know she is well, happy and not alone. I do place my trust in God for my loved ones who gone before me and for my everyday life. But sometimes, it still hurts so much to go on wthout my Mom. :( Thank you once again for your postings. God bless.

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