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feeling alone


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Mom was the oldest of 10, first to pass, all her brothers and sisters are married with kids. 2 major holidays and my birthday since mom passed and I did not hear one word from any of them, even my own brother. Guess it's true that I was the black sheep of the family. Bigger question is why do I care so much?

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Honey...I may not know exactly what you're going through. But I can tell you that you aren't alone. I myself am having some family issues. My mother passed away in April and a month later I moved back in with my dad (after getting my own place in March) to help with bills and things. In May I went to McDonald's with a friend and got an $8 dollar meal for myself. I did use my father's money but what's $8 right? He got so mad at me for spending HIS money that he kicked me out. Luckily I have my fiance and his mother let us move in with her. In that same month I also lost my job because we had to move an hour away. Everything was OKAY until about Thanksgiving. I invited my sister to Thanksgiving Dinner with my fiance and I. My sister and father had been fighting and I didn't invite him. My sister was there for me more than he ever was. Well I made the wrong choice of inviting my Aunt as well. She told my father and now neither my Aunt or father want me in their lives. I know that I have my fiance. It just isn't the same as my mother and I know that I had his family on the holidays but again..its just not the same. ~hugs~ I hope that you are able to reconnect with them. If not, honey you're better off. Happy New Year. 

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I'm pretty much at the point where I'm not even going to try. My brother's wife has made sure we never reconnect.

I'm so sorry for what you are going through. Sucks when family is the ones that are causing such pain.

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It does suck when your own flesh and blood want nothing to do with you. Yes. But that just lets you know that you are a much better person than them. Luckily I learned that from my mother. I'm sorry that you have to go through all that you're going through as well. I don't blame you for not trying. I stopped trying as well. They don't deserve our effort. 

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