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My Mother passed suddenly Sept. 18th 2014. I found her myself in her apartment, 3 doors down from my apartment.


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Trying to cope with my Mother's passing. I'm a single Mom to one wonderful Daughter. She saw my Mom as her other parent, due to the fact that I've lived either with her or near her ever since my Daughter was born. I'm planning on taking my daughter to Ele's Place. I pray it may give her closure as well as myself. I'm Needing support and if possible I'd like to find like minded people.

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Am so sorry for your loss. I can't imagine what you're going through right now. It must be really painful and heart breaking. You must Be strong for your daughter who might be traumatized. She needs u most right now. Don't cry too much in front of her, instead tell her story of happier times for the good memories of her grand mom. I just came back from my moms house which is an hour away from me. Today I went to visit my dad at St. Paul and gave him some flowers and beer. It's been exactly one year since he's gone and every time I think about it, tears would run down my face. Even at work, walking on the street, driving or sleeping. Take care and talk to someone. Cry it out!

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Donald's daughter

Hi, this is my first time posting here. I lost my dad in January. I am also a single mom and my parents both helped me to raise my daughter. She is 10. She witnessed my dads heart attack. My dad basically passed away in my arms I don't quite know that anyone else can understand that he was such a loving caring man and would sacrifice anything for people he loved. In that moment he asked the EMT " can you help me please?" I would have done anything if I could have helped him and I couldnt. The medical people couldn't. I have no idea how i am going to get through the holidays without him being around.

As I looked through some of the posts your story seemed similar to mine. I can't imagine what you went thru having to find your mom I don't know what's worse? Being there while it happened? Or not knowing it was happening and finding them?

I guess now we should do what they would want which is to make our holidays as special as we can for our children but it is going to be so difficult. Please write back if you can.

Thanks again for your story....it made me feel not alone :-(

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