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15 and no parents


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My mom left me and my dad and brothers 8 years ago ... my dad just committed suicide last month I'm feeling like I have nothing left maybe I should die to be with my daddy?

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Emobunny, I don't think this is the answer for you. You are young and have a long life ahead of you and you can make it what you want to make it. You have grand parents and I'm sure they love you and are supporting you through this. Hang on to that love and support. Adults do stupid things sometimes. Don't follow those footsteps. I'm sure your Dad would not want you to do what he has done. No parent wants to lose a child. Reach out to your friends and family for support. But mostly, take care of you.

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Emobunny, I just read your post.  


1. How are you feeling now?


2.  What about your brothers?  Are they older?  Younger?


3.  I know I don't know you and this is going to sound messed up, but bear with me: I know you want to be with your dad, but my guess is that your dad wanted you to live.  As a parent, I can tell you that the only time I considered suicide, it was when I was convinced that my son would be better off without me.  Your dad may have felt the same way, whether it was true or not.  When my mom died a few months ago, I also found myself feeling like I wanted to be with her, even if that meant dying to do it.  But that's not what she would have wanted for me, and I have people here who care about me.  My guess is that you do, too.  Whether you know it or not.  





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Suicide is never the answer.

Your father was not in the right state of mind.

There is something that I've learned In life thus far, at your age I was sad mad hated life and felt as if my parents did not care.

Things get better if you allow them to.


Seek help,

Create a friendship and bond with the rest of your family, and get through this together.

Family is important and you are lucky as hell to have brothers. Some people have nobody. Talk to them, they most likely feel the same.

Never resort to suicide as the final answer. When your time comes, it will come.

It may be hard to see right now, but there is such beauty in this world. And you will find it if you allow it

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I can understand why you'd have these thoughts and feel this way. Loneliness, isolation, feelings of just having no-one. It's hard stuff to deal with. The best thing I can think to say is think of it as a test, a kind of challenge, to see if you can make a go of your life despite being alone. Very, very hard thing to do. But as they say...you might as well to try enjoy living because you're a long time dead. And if you go you'll leave someone else behind feeling like you do now, just a little bit more alone. As you probably realise with your Dad gone, they don't want you to do or be anything, they just want you there. Something to think about anyway.

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